Beacon of Hope Monthly Newsletter

Effective July 12, 2011:
Christ Church is an Open and Affirming -ONA- Congregation!
We're No. 1,001 UCC congregation in the nation to adopt ONA.
click here for the full statement adopted by Cabinet
United Church 
of Christ News.
United Methodist News Service
Christ Church -- Changing lives inside and out, through Christ
Come worship with us! 10:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship at GMUMC, 55 Church St., Lyman, ME
Christ Church
 is a Federated congregation, 
United Methodist Church and
United Church of Christ

Christ Church
55 Church Street
Lyman, Maine 04002

Please join us in person at 10:00 am at Goodwins Mills UMC, 55 Church Street, Lyman, ME. If you can't be with us, please join us on Zoom at 10:00AM live. ALL are welcome! Please come this Sunday, July 14, 2024. Rev. Ed's message will be "Blessings and Martyrdom."

Worship Service
Beacon of Hope Cooperative Parish
July 14, 2024

Gathering Music

Welcome and Passing of the Peace


Moment of Silent Prayer and Reflection

Opening Prayer:

For Illumination UMH # 477

Celebration Song: “Blessed Assurance” UMH #369

Ephesians 1:3-14 (Blessings in Christ)
Mark 6:14-29 (Martyrdom of John the Baptist)

Heart Source: “Choices”

Message: “Blessings and Martyrdom”

Special Music: “God So loved The World” by John Stainer Sung by Linda Stathoplos

Prayers of the People
Joys and Concerns
Pastoral Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer

Musical Response

Tithes and Offerings
Doxology UMH #94
Prayer over the plates

Celebration Song: “Grace Alone” FWS #2162

Sending Prayer:
Loving God,
As we go out from this sacred space, may you be with us. May we recognize our spiritual blessings in You, so that we have strength for our witness in your name. We go out to preach, teach, and heal with resurrection hope. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.


Sending Hymn: “Go Ye, Go Ye Into the World” FWS #2239
Click Here for more information on Community Circle Conversations on Racial Justice
If you would like to join us in worship by telephone please call 1-646-558-8656.
Enter "meeting ID" 830 4862 4102
Note: Press *6 to mute/unmute yourself while attending the virtual service.​
*Please make sure you have “unlimited long distance” service on your telephone plan since this is not a toll-free phone number!  

Click here to join Zoom service
Each Sunday all three churches of the Beacon of Hope will worship together. Rev. Ed will officiate.

10 AM: Worship at Goodwins Mills UMC, 55 Church Street, Lyman in JULY

10 AM: Worship at West Kennebunk UMC, 160 Alfred St., West Kennebunk in AUGUST

Please let your friends, neighbors, and family know these times.
January 2024 Newsletter
February 2024 Newsletter
March 2024 Newsletter
April 2024 Newsletter
May 2024 Newsletter
June 2024 Newsletter
July 2024 Newsletter